Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Garden of the Dead - Pt.1

The Mid Autumn Festival had just ended and Head Nun decided to go for a retreat at the Temple of Great Peace at the foot of the hills quite far from us. When I heard about this, I was of course very interested to follow and she readily agreed I could come along.  Ning also wanted to go and the three of us left for the temple early in the morning.  A devotee very kindly took us in her car and when we arrived at the temple two hours later, we were warmly greeted by the senior nun there.

We were taken to our rooms and Ning and I were delighted to share a little room overlooking the hills.  There were only two old nuns staying there, as the rest had also gone on a retreat somewhere.  We were told that the morning's programme began with meditation at 5 a.m. followed by breakfast, then meditation again.  We were free to do as we pleased in the afternoon.  However, when the going sounded at 4.30 a.m. the next morning, I was unable to get up and when I finally did, I found to my dismay that meditation had already begun in the great hall.  I could hardly keep my eyes open as I sat down and was relieved when the gong finally sounded and it was time for breakfast!

Ning of course did not join in the meditation and went for a walk instead.  When he returned, he was quite excited and told us he had met a family of cats not far from the temple.  They had invited him to join them for breakfast and were very friendly indeed.  He said he would be visiting them again and said he would take me as well.

Just as we finished breakfast and were about to begin meditation again, Ning complained of a tummy ache. It was really quite bad and after a while, it got worse and he was soon rolling on the floor with pain.  I immediately called Head Nun and the senior nun who gave Ning a herbal drink for the pain, but it was no use.  The pain continued and in a short while, we found to our horror that he had become unconscious.

"What are we going to do, Head Nun?"  I cried in panic.

"I don't know, we're cut off from anyone and there's no transport available," said Head Nun worriedly.

There was no phone at the temple as such instruments were not allowed.

"If we don't act fast, he's going to die," I said.  It was then that I thought of Lao Tze and it was a good thing I remembered bringing my golden star with me.  I started sending out signals and in a few minutes, Lao Tze appeared.

"I know, I know," he said when we told him about Ning.  "Unfortunately for Ning, that family of cats that he met are The Black Queen's soldiers in disguise!  They have poisoned him with a lethal dose of tok iok and not even a vet can save him now."

"The Black Queen again!"  I exclaimed.  "Oh that wicked witch!  We've got to find an antidote, Lao Tze, surely you must know of one!"

"There's only one antidote," said Lao Tze, looking at me.

"Well, what is it?"  I cried.

"It's a flower known as The Flower of Life and you can only find it growing in The Garden of the Dead.  The juice from its petals will cure Ning in an instant."

"The Garden of the Dead!  Where is that?"

"It's not far from here but it's a very dangerous journey and you have got to be back here with the flowers in less than four hours, otherwise Ning will die."

"I will go,"  I cried.  "We've got to save Ning."

"Yes, but you must be very brave.  The Garden of the Dead is a garden of horrors and many have not lived to tell of their journey there."

"I have no choice, Lao Tze.  Please tell me how I can get there," I said.

"Alright, my dear friend.  I shall tell you how to get there.  You will find the flowers growing amidst the tombstones.  They're bright red in colour - you can't miss them.  But that's not all.  After you enter the Garden, do not turn back or retrace your steps.  If you do, the ground below you will open up and you will be swallowed alive!  You have to keep going until you see the Exit sign.  At the Exit stands a horrible ghoul who is the guardian of the Garden.  Many have failed to get past him - are you sure you still want to go?"

"I ...I must," I stammered, my legs beginning to tremble.

"Good for you.  As you near the exit, the ghoul will stop you and he will ask you a question - what is his name.  If you answer correctly, he will let you go."

"Well, what is his name?"

"Not many people know but he actually has NO NAME.  It's a trick he uses. Good luck, my dear.  I'm sorry I can't go with you as I will lose my powers if I step into the Garden.  Make sure you are back in four hours.  May the Lord Buddha go with you."  With that, he vanished.

Head Nun got some water for me for the journey and reminded me to chant my mantras as I went along.  "We shall pray for your safe return, my dear," she said, tears trickling down her cheeks..

It was about midday when I started climbing the treacherous path to the Garden of the Dead.  It was covered with sharp stones, and thorny bushes at the side pricked my legs and body as I pushed past.  Once in a while, a black crow, sometimes a vulture would swoop past me, eyeing me with their beady eyes, probably hoping they could have me for dinner that evening.  Sometimes a snake reared its ugly head from behind the bushes and hissed at me but remembering Head Nun's advice, I continued chanting my mantras,  though my heart was pounding with fear and my body was covered in a cold sweat.  After struggling through hilly terrain for an hour or so, I finally arrived at the Garden.  Lao Tze was right.  It was the most eerie place I had ever seen with skulls, skeletons and tombstones scattered here and there.  A big vulture was sitting on top of one of the tombstones, glaring at me.

I stood at the entrance for a while, exhausted.  It was now or never.  I took a deep breath and with a mantra on my lips, I entered The Garden of the Dead.

(To be continued)

The Garden of the Dead - it's now or never!

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