Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Black Queen - Pt.1

It is the seventh lunar month again and the month of the Hungry Ghost Festival!  This is the scariest time of year for it is said that during this time, ghosts and spirits emerge from the lower realms and wander round in this world!

However, the nuns are not the least bit perturbed and as usual, they prepare the temple for prayers and chanting sessions.   The temple has a columbarium and many people come every year to offer prayers to their departed loved ones.

It was during one of these days that Ning said he wanted to go back to the botanical gardens to see whether he could spot the UFO again.  

"You must come with me, Da," he urged.  

"You must be crazy, Ning," I told him.  "This is the seventh month and I don't want to bump into ghosts with long hair and bloody finger nails!"

Ning laughed, then said, "OK, then, I shall go alone." Well, I just couldn't let him go alone and be attacked by some unfriendly ghost, so I reluctantly accompanied him.

We arrived at the gardens at around 8 in the evening.  All was quiet.  There was a pale moon in the sky and a light breeze was blowing.  It was all very spooky and I could feel my hair stand on end.

We sat by the rocks where we first saw the UFO and for the next hour, nothing happened.  I told Ning that we were wasting our time but just as the words left my mouth, we heard a loud roar, like that of a powerful engine and a bright light soared into the sky.  

"It's here, it's here," shouted Ning excitedly.

The light moved around for a while and when it came closer, we saw it was indeed a flying saucer.  It landed with a loud thud several hundred yards from where we were sitting.  As we watched in awe, the door of the flying saucer slowly slid open.  We didn't know what to expect.  A ghost?  An alien?  

Then it emerged, a big black cat with a golden crown on its head and a red cape around its shoulders.  It jumped up onto a nearby wall and sat there, silhouetted against the pale moonlight.

Then ... it laughed, that same, eerie cackling laugh we had heard so many times before ... 

As we gaped, it spoke... "Do you know who I am?  I am the Black Queen from the planet known as The Black Planet.  I am the mother of The Black Rose whom you destroyed.  Lady Arabella II was my niece.  But enough of the past.  I am not here to seek revenge. Do you hear me, you two?  I know you're out there."

Ning and I looked at each other.  Finally, I managed to say, "Then what do you want?"

The Black Queen laughed.  "I want your rat friend, whatever name you call him.  I hear that he lives in Nirvana, a place where there's peace, love, harmony ... I can't stand any place like that ... I want to fill it with anger, hatred, lust ... I want him to lead me to Nirvana so that I can destroy it, do you hear?"

"Destroy it!  You can't do that!"  Ning yelled.

"Oh, but I can!  I command you to bring your rat friend here tomorrow evening.  If you fail, I shall destroy the temple where you live and everyone in it!   Ha, Ha, Ha!"

With that she strode back into her flying saucer and it took off with a thunderous roar.

For a while, Ning and I could not move.  When we recovered, we both ran as fast as we could back to the temple.

I was right after all, I knew that that UFO was nothing but trouble.  

(To be continued)

"I want to destroy Nirvana!"

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