Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Black Rose - Pt.2

The next morning, as soon as I saw Ning, I told him of my horrible experience with The Black Rose the night before.

Ning was sceptical as I knew he would be and said, "Are you sure it was The Black Rose? There are a lot of other black cats around, you know."

"Of course I'm sure, Ning! The others don't wear a black rose round their neck," I insisted.

"Alright, alright! Thanks for your concern, pal. I have a date with her tonight after her show. I shall be careful."

"Can't you cancel it?" I asked in a desperate attempt to stop him from going.

He shook his head and sauntered off. I went to sit in a corner of the kitchen, feeling utterly miserable.

"What's the problem?" It was Head Nun.

I jumped up and cried, "We've got to help him!"

"Who? What?" asked a startled Head Nun.

I related to her my conversation with Ning earlier in the morning.

"But what can we do? Ning is a sensible, mature cat, at least I think so. He knows how to look after himself."

It took me some time to convince Head Nun of the danger Ning was in and finally she relented. "Ok, ok. We'll follow him to the club tonight and see whether he needs any help."

We planned to leave the temple at 10 p.m. but I was ready waiting anxiously for Head Nun by 9.30. I had quite a shock when she appeared - minus her nun's robe. She was wearing a gaudy purple T-shirt, yellow leggings and a red wig! Seeing the stunned look on my face, Head Nun laughed.

"Well, I can't very well go to the club dressed as a nun, can I? The Black Rose will spot me immediately. I borrowed this stuff from a friend."

"Good thinking, Head Nun," I yelled excitedly.

We set off for the club and on arriving there, squeezed into a small corner at the end of the hall. The whole place was packed with cats of all shapes and sizes and the air was thick with cigarette smoke. Fortunately nobody paid any attention to us. The Black Rose's show had just ended and we saw her sitting at a table with Ning. They were talking and laughing away and I could see that Ning was getting tipsy as she plied him with drink after drink. Finally they got up to leave.

"Let's go," whispered Head Nun.

Ning was stumbling along, quite drunk. Both of them were singing some song from the show and making quite a hullabaloo. They walked past the temple and stopped at a bus stand some distance away. Head Nun and I hid behind some bushes but could clearly hear what they were saying.

"Ok, Ning. You can leave me here."

"Oh yeah? Why can't I follow you home?"

It was then that she started to laugh, that same eerie cackling laugh I heard the night before. Then before any of us could move, she lunged at Ning, saliva dripping from her mouth, eyes flaming like they were on fire.

"Watch out, Ning!" I screamed and burst from the bushes. Ning sat like he had been turned to stone. The Black Rose stopped in her tracks, recognised me and growled. "You again! I shall finish you and your friends tonight!" she shrieked.

Fortunately Head Nun had come prepared with a walking stick and she thrust it at The Black Rose, yelling "Om Mani Padmi Hum". The Black Rose snarled and attacked Head Nun's legs. But Head Nun was too quick for her. She gave her a good whack with the walking stick that sent her flying into the air. The Black Rose landed with a loud thud on the ground, her whole body quivering. She knew she was no match for Head Nun and without a backward glance, fled.

We took a shaking Ning back into the temple, gave him a hot drink and put him to bed. He tried to stammer his thanks but we gently hushed him and told him to go to sleep.

Head Nun and I then went to the temple altar and knelt before Lord Buddha with a prayer of thanks. Somehow I knew that we would not be hearing any more of The Black Rose. And I was right. The next morning we heard the news that she was missing and nobody seemed to know of her whereabouts.

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