Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Nun's Story

The weather has turned hot again. This afternoon, I watched Head Nun water her plants. She would stop by each pot and look at the leaves or flowers of the plant as though she were looking at a newborn baby. She would then smile at them before moving on to the next pot. With the love and care she showers on her garden, it is no wonder it is always ablaze with colour!

After she had finished her work, she came over to where I was sitting. A distant rumble of thunder could be heard.

Do you think it will rain this afternoon, Vege Cat?” she asked me.

“Can’t say, Head Nun. Nowadays nobody can predict the weather.” I replied.

She smiled, leaned back in her chair and I saw for the first time a far away look in her eyes.

“What are you thinking of, Head Nun?” I ventured.

She looked at me, a smile on her lips. “You know, Vege Cat, I’ve been living in this temple for more than 40 years, long before you were even born.” She saw the surprised look on my face and continued. “Let me tell you how I came here. Do you want to hear?”

“Oh, yes!” I was in fact bursting with curiosity (which is only natural with us cats); I had always wanted to know more about her.

“I was born in a small town in Southern China. My parents were farmers and I was the only girl in the family. I had two older brothers who helped my parents manage the farm. Well, to cut a long story short, my father took me one day to a nearby temple and I fell in love immediately with a beautiful white marble statue of Lord Buddha there. He looked so peaceful and contented! I couldn’t stop thinking of Him and I insisted on visiting that temple whenever we could. My father, the kind soul that he was, never refused to take me there. After that, I knew I wanted to be a nun and when I told my father, he didn’t take me seriously at first but later he knew I meant it.

A few months later, I heard that some relatives were coming here on a visit and that they would be visiting temples and holy places. I begged my father to let me follow them. After much thought, he agreed and well, we came to this temple. I liked it so much that I requested the temple authorities to let me spend the rest of my life here as one of their nuns.”

“What about your father? He must have been very sad to let you go.”

“My father knew it was my calling. He and my mother gave me their blessings; they knew I wouldn’t be happy any other way.”

“I’m glad your story has a happy ending, Head Nun.”

“Not exactly,” she replied. A wistful look came into her eyes and she continued softly. “I was engaged to someone before I decided to become a nun. I think I broke his heart. Later, I heard he too left China and went somewhere to seek his fortune.”

“Oh.” That was all I could say.

Head Nun looked at me and then broke into laughter. “Don’t look so sad! That was a long time ago! Didn’t you also have a sweetheart when you were younger?”

“Er – yes, she actually died of a broken heart when I got lost and was never found by my family.”

“I’m sorry to hear that, Vege Cat. Well, I have to go in now for my evening prayers. Believe me, you and I are better off than anyone else, now that we are in Lord Buddha’s fold.” With that, she disappeared into the temple.

Lord Buddha’s fold …suddenly I felt so proud and honoured to be considered one of His followers. Wonder whether there were any cat disciples during His time …?

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