Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Last Laugh

It’s been raining again and I’m thinking how lucky I am, being able to lie in a comfortable basket, warm and snug while it pours outside. I bet there must be dozens of cats and dogs out there with no where to go and running for shelter here and there.

It’s not a bad life, being a temple cat. I wake up in the morning and breakfast is ready for me, thanks to a kind hearted nun. I pay the nuns back by getting rid of unwanted pests (like rats and cockroaches) in the temple and then come back to a warm lunch. Then it’s siesta time all the way up to dinner time! I don’t have any stress, I don’t get caught in traffic jams like thousands of humans do every day especially when it rains; I don’t have to cook or take care of brawling babies….aah, it IS a good life!

The only thing that bothers me is I am not getting anywhere near my goal – Nirvana. I try to meditate but end up falling asleep instead! Though I get a lot of coaching and encouragement from the nuns, I don’t seem to be able to get the hang of it. Head Nun said to concentrate on the breath but I get hungry when I do that. I’ve tried this position and that position only to end up with my legs in the air and my head on my stomach. Every time it happens, the nuns shriek with uncontrollable laughter. It seems so easy when I look at a picture of Lord Buddha sitting there so calm and peaceful - it makes me mad why I can’t do it. I am good at my mantras though. Problem is the other cats think I’m nuts and don’t talk much to me.

It can be lonely when you’re on the spiritual path but the treasure at the end of the rainbow is priceless. Who cares if they laugh at me, I shall be the one who will have the last laugh …I hope.

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