It was a lovely evening. I sat at the side entrance to the temple kitchen watching the trees sway and dance in the breeze. Dinner wasn’t ready yet, so I sat on, enjoying the breeze.
Then I saw her. She was making her way through the plants and flowers in Head Nun’s garden. And she was beautiful. She had snow white fur and when she came closer, I saw that her eyes were a lovely shade of green. I also noticed she was wearing a silver bell on a red ribbon round her neck. I said a soft “Hello” and she paused, a little startled. She looked at me, smiled wistfully and before I could say another word, she turned and disappeared down the garden.
“Wait!” I cried and ran down the garden path after her but she was no where to be seen. Who could she be, I mused as I returned to the kitchen. I had to find out more about her.
The next evening, at about the same time, I waited at the kitchen door, hoping she would appear. And she did, moving gracefully around the flowers. “Hello again,” I ventured. Again she looked at me, startled and then ran off. I bounded after her but couldn’t find her anywhere. Wow, she really can move fast, I thought to myself.
I returned to the kitchen and bumped into Head Nun. “What’s up?” she asked me. I was bursting with curiosity, so I asked, “Head Nun, do you know of a white cat living around this area?”
“A white cat? Let me see … No, I don’t think so. Did you see one?”
“Yes, and she was beautiful!”
“A white cat? Oh, I remember now. I think you may have seen Xue or Snow as they called her.”
“Well, where does she live? I saw her just now and the evening before and I would like to make friends with her.”
Head Nun shrugged. “Maybe you saw some other cat. By the way, Xue used to wear a silver bell on a red ribbon round her neck.” With that, Head Nun turned and went into her room.
I couldn’t sleep the whole of that night. When morning came, I counted the days to the end of the Festival – 23 more days! I decided to steer clear of the garden in the evenings and went promptly to bed after dinner. 23 more days …..!
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