Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Wet Day

Brrr! It’s been raining on and off and it’s cold, too cold for the likes of me! I really hate it when it rains. Most of the time I have to bury myself under my blanket where it's warm and snug. Head Nun gave me an extra one the other day in case I should catch cold.

Sometimes I sit near the kitchen stove to make myself warm but I get in the way of the nuns when they’re cooking.

The monsoon rains must be here. As I sit in my corner, drops of water fall on my head. I look up. It looks like the roof may be leaking.

A nun sees me look up. She comes over and also looks up. “Aiyo! There’s a hole in the roof!” she wails. A couple more nuns rush over and they all look up. They nod in agreement and someone says, “Get someone to repair it.” I move to a dry spot and continue my snooze.

Brrr! I hate it when it rains.

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