Friday, March 3, 2023

The Retreat - Pt.3


Some two weeks after my return from the retreat, I was surprised when I was told that I had a visitor.  I seldom have visitors, so I was rather intrigued as to who it could be.  I found a bald young man in t-shirt and shorts waiting for me in the temple porch.  He looked vaguely familiar but I couldn't quite recall where I had seen him before.  When he saw me, he grinned and said, "Hi, cat, remember me?"

I thought for a while, then suddenly it clicked.  "CC?"

"Yup!" he replied, still grinning.

"But why aren't you in your monk's robe?"

"It's a long story," he replied.  "Er ... may we go sit somewhere and chat?"

"Of course!" and I led him to a shady bench in Head Nun's garden.  I was rather surprised that he should come and visit me especially as we didn't like each other when we first met at the retreat.

After we had made ourselves comfortable, CC continued.  "You'll be surprised to hear this, cat, but I have left the temple or "disrobed" as they call it."

"But why?"  I asked.

"Sorry to say this but a monk's life is not for me.  I've been staying in the temple for the last five years ever since I was a teenager.   I never knew who my parents were.  When the orphanage where I was staying had to close due to lack of funds, they deposited me in the temple with several other kids and I became a novice monk. I only stayed on at the temple because it gave me three square meals a day!  I want to see the world, do things I've never done before .... you understand?"

"Yes, of course," I said.  "You're still young and you've got your whole life ahead of you. So what are your plans now?"

"Well, I've found a job in a cafe as a waiter for now, but I'm hoping to be recruited by one of those cruise ships so that I can sail around the world!"

"Well, I wish you luck.  But promise me one thing....."

"What's that?"

"Don't forget the Buddha's teachings wherever you may go."

CC laughed, patted my head and said, "Sure, I promise and I am truly sorry for my rude behaviour towards you at the retreat.  I'm glad I met you and I shall be a "good" guy from now on. It was a great retreat, wasn't it, though I thought Ajahn C. was quite scary."

"Yes, he scares me too," I said, thinking of the cold, hard stare he had given me before we left the monastery.

"Well, I've got to go, I'll send you a postcard when I get on that ship!"  He gave me a quick hug and left.

(About a month later, I did get a postcard from him from Vietnam and I was glad his dream had come true.)

Shortly after CC left, Ah Ying dropped by the temple with some fruits for Head Nun.  When she saw me, she asked about the retreat and seemed very interested in hearing about our experience, so I gave her a short account of our activities.

We were sitting at the kitchen table together with Head Nun and Ah Ying as usual was full of news about everything.

"Vege Cat, do you know the story behind that Thai monastery where you went for the retreat?"

I said no, so she continued.  "Many years ago, that Thai monastery was used as a rest house for visiting Thai officials.  The officer in charge was an ex-general in the Thai army and he was very fond of entertaining his fellow comrades from Thailand.  He also had a love for music and would invite musicians from various parts of the world to play at his parties.  His guests danced throughout the night in the ballroom and good food and wine flowed freely. Unfortunately, tragedy struck one evening."

 "What happened?" I asked, getting very curious now.

"A fire broke out in the ballroom, the musicians and many guests were trapped inside and perished.  The ex-general and a few staff members were the only ones who survived because, as the story goes, he had gone out of the ballroom to do something when the fire broke out.  He called the fire brigade but by the time they arrived, it was too late."

"What a horrible ending", I said.  Then strangely a vague picture of what must be the ballroom suddenly flashed before my eyes  .... velvet curtains, beautiful chandeliers....I felt like I had seen it before....

Ah Ying was still talking, having not finished her story.  She said that the ex-general was devastated and blamed himself for the incident.  He became a monk soon after and that was how the rest house turned into a temple and monastery.

"Is he still here or has he returned to Thailand?" I asked.

The answer that Ah Ying gave me sent shivers down my spine.

"He's still here.  You must have met him, he's the one they call Ajahn Channarong."

At the mention of his name, I suddenly saw flashes of colourful lights and  I saw myself outside the ballroom trying to get in, I saw myself going in and listening to the musical instruments playing, I saw myself trying to get out when the music became too loud to bear .... then the stony face of Ajahn C. loomed before me ....

It was then that I fainted.

"Vege Cat, wake up!  Are you alright?"  It was Head Nun.  I opened my eyes and saw Head Nun and Ah Ying peering at me anxiously.  I sat up still feeling quite dazed. 

"What happened, Vege Cat?" asked Head Nun.

"I don't know, Head Nun.  "I suddenly saw some lights which made me dizzy before I passed out, I don't remember anything else ....."

"It must be the heat," said Head Nun.  

After I had felt better, Ah Ying asked me whether I had noticed anything unusual at the monastery.  "There are rumours that it is haunted, some even say they can hear music coming from the place in the middle of the night, even though there's no one around." she said.

I thought for a while, then replied, "No, I didn't see or hear anything unusual.  All we did was meditate, listen to discourses and then go to bed early."

Yeah, that was all we did.  And I didn't hear any music....or did I?

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